Modrall Sperling Supports First Responders 5k

Retired Bernalillo County Deputy Sheriff Robin Hopkins, left, celebrates with Modrall Sperling Shareholder and Race Director Christina Sheehan


The day dawned bright, clear, and cold.

“Perfect running weather,” said Christina Sheehan, Modrall Sperling shareholder and Race Director for the fourth annual First Responders 5k. Unit after unit, troop after troop of law enforcement officers, firefighters, paramedics and those who support them showed up in waves for the yearly event that benefits New Mexico Ten-82, a fund that benefits public servants and their families.

Sheehan and Robin Hopkins, a retired Bernalillo County Deputy Sheriff, started the October event in an effort to celebrate and bring together first responders and the communities they serve. It was in October of 2013 that Robin was shot by a man who had already wounded three officers earlier that day.

She fought for her life, and during her long months of recovery, began to fight for something else:  Healing her city as well as her body.

“Out of such a terrible day, something so wonderful came from it,” Robin noted just before the start of this year’s 5k. “This was the spirit behind the event, to bring the community together. It is humbling to see how profound the outpouring of support has become.”

Chief of Police Gorden Eden said much of the reason for the event’s growing success is Robin herself. “This is an uplifting event and is buoyed by her courage, her tenacity and her spirit to survive.”

Modrall Sperling has been a sponsor of the race each year since its inception.