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Modrall Sperling Law Firm

Author: Modrall Sperling

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Unrelated Business Taxable Income

Intermediate Sanctions

Tribal Employment Preferences and Employee Protection Laws

Water deal is key for U.S., Mexico

SignOn San Diego. 23 January 2011. The challenges facing the United States-Mexico border region get a lot of attention – and deservedly so. The examples of truly bilateral…

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New Shareholders

Albuquerque, NM Modrall Sperling law firm is pleased to announce the addition of five new shareholders, Samantha M. Adams, Susan Bisong, Emil J. Kiehne, Marte D. Lightstone and Lorena Olmos. They were welcomed as shareholders in the firm on January 1, 2011.

General Mining Law of 1872 Does Not Preempt New Mexico’s Exploration Permitting Regime

Top Ten (More or Less) Ethical Issues in the NEPA Process

Developing Energy Projects on Federal Lands: Tribal Rights, Roles, Consultation, and Other Interests (A Developer’s Perspective)

Indian Country: Courts Split on Test and Outcome

The End of the Federal Pre-emption Defense?