Modrall Sperling Law Firm

Modrall Sperling’s Recent Success for New Mexico Employer

Modrall Sperling employment attorneys Jennifer Anderson and Elizabeth Martinez recently obtained successful rulings on motions to dismiss directed at a client’s former employee’s claims associated with a workplace accident that resulted in the death of his co-worker. The former employee alleged a number of…


Guidance for New Mexico Employers: Criminal Background Checks for Job Applicants

Many employers in New Mexico want to know if a job applicant has a criminal background. While this can certainly be important information for an employer to have, requesting the information during the interview process can give rise to claims of discrimination…

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Employment Law Alert – February 2017

View as PDF Articles: An Employer’s Dilemma in Providing a Recommendation for a Former Employee As all employers can attest, it can be difficult to determine what information to provide in a verbal or written recommendation for departing employees. Indeed, some managers…


Basis Reporting Requirements for Property Received From a Decedent

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Three Things New Mexico Employers Should Know for 2017

Deadline Imposed for Compelling Arbitration Do you have arbitration agreements with your employees? If so, you should be aware that New Mexico enacted a new rule specifying the time by which a party must move to compel arbitration after a legal complaint…

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Stuart Butzier Awarded New Mexico Mining Association Professionalism Recognition

Stuart Butzier, a Modrall Sperling shareholder, has been awarded the 2017 New Mexico Mining Association’s Doc Weiler/Marvin Watts Award for Professionalism. The award is presented to an individual who…


Appearing in Tribal Court

By Brian Nichols, as published in Litigation: The Journal of the Section of Litigation, published by the American Bar Association, Winter 2017.

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Employment Law Alert – January 2017

View as PDF Articles: Guidance for New Mexico Employers: Criminal Background Checks for Job Applicants Many employers in New Mexico want to know if a job applicant has a criminal background. While this can certainly be important information for an employer to…


Deana Bennett Selected Chair of NREEL Section of State Bar of New Mexico

Deana M. Bennett, a Modrall Sperling shareholder, has been confirmed as the Chair of the Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Law (NREEL) Section of the State Bar of…


EPA Publishes Final Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule

On November 28, 2016, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) published the final RCRA Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule (“HWGI Rule”). See 81 FR 85732, November 28, 2016. The HWGI Rule is one of the most significant and comprehensive hazardous waste rulemakings that…

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