Modrall Sperling Law Firm

New Mexico Oil Conservation Commission Adopts New Produced Water Regulations

On March 12, 2015, the New Mexico Oil Conservation Commission formally approved a revision to the Commission’s produced water regulations.  The revised Rule repeals and replaces existing Rule 34, which regulates the disposition of produced water, and enacts a new rule regulating…

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No Mora Moratorium on Drilling

United States District Court Judge James Browning issued a lengthy opinion on January 19, 2015 invalidating Mora County’s “Community Rights and Local Self-Government Ordinance”, enacted by the County in 2013, that prohibited oil and gas development by corporations in the county.   See SWEPI,…

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Energy & Resources Notes – Spring 2015

View as PDF No Mora Moratorium on Drilling United States District Court Judge James Browning issued a lengthy opinion on January 19, 2015 invalidating Mora County’s “Community Rights and Local Self-Government Ordinance,” which was enacted by the County in 2013 that prohibited…


BHP Billiton Sells Navajo Mine Coal Company to Navajo Nation

Working shoulder to shoulder with its client BHP Billiton New Mexico Coal, Inc. (BBNMC) and other co-counsel, Modrall Sperling completed a series of interrelated transactions between BBNMC and subsidiaries, Arizona Public Service Company, the Navajo Nation and Navajo Transitional Energy Company, LLC…


Top Five Tips for Employers Regarding Employee Use of Social Media

Download PDF Odds are that you, or at least one person you know, have at least some presence on social media, whether it be a Facebook or Instagram profile, a Twitter handle, a LinkedIn page, or a personal blog. Employers, too, are engaging more…

POSTED IN: Articles

Update – Extended Deadline to Submit Comments to ONRR’s Proposed Rule on Royalty Valuations

This is an update to our recent article concerning the Office of Natural Resources Revenue’s (ONRR) proposed rulemaking for royalty valuations on Federal oil and gas leases and Federal and Indian coal leases. See 80 Fed. Reg. 608. On February 13, 2015,…


Modrall Sperling Provides Scholarships

Two area high school students received scholarship checks from Modrall Sperling as part of the recent Martin Luther King, Jr. Multicultural Council’s 25th anniversary celebration. For a quarter-century, the…


Michelle Hernandez Speaks at Youth Entrepreneur Event

Michelle A. Hernandez, shareholder, recently participated in the 2015 Youth Entrepreneur Speakers Series at Atrisco Heritage Academy High School. She shared the podium with speakers including Janice Lucero of MVD…


ONRR Proposes Oil, Gas and Coal Royalty Reform

Kick’em When They’re Down: ONRR Releases Proposed Federal Oil & Gas and Federal & Indian Coal Valuation Reform In a time of declining oil prices, the Department of the Interior (DOI) through the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) recently announced on…


Native American Law Watch – Winter 2015

View as PDF Articles: Financing affordable housing in Native American Communities Funding a housing development project using funds earmarked for tribal housing and funds limited under Title VI and VIII can be done in full compliance with federal law. The proper corporate structure…