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Modrall Sperling Law Firm

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Stuart Butzier Selected NREEL Lawyer of the Year

Stuart Butzier, head of Modrall Sperling’s Natural Resources Department and managing director of the Santa Fe office, has been named by the Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Law…


State Bar of New Mexico Indian Law Section’s Annual Program

Stan Harris, shareholder, spoke at the State Bar of New Mexico Indian Law Section’s annual program, “A Practical Approach to Indian Law: Legal Writing, 2018 Update, and the Ethics of Practicing Indian Law,” on December 10, 2018. Stan was one of two…

Benchmark Litigation Highly Recommends Modrall Sperling

Modrall Sperling has been recognized as a leading law firm in New Mexico, and awarded the “highly recommended” designation by Benchmark Litigation for the eleventh consecutive year. The…

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CLNkids Celebrate Hallowe’en in Style Thanks to Modrall Sperling

Several CLNkids, shown here with a teacher, show off their trick-or-treat finery provided by Modrall Sperling. Modrall Sperling, led by Shareholder Tim Holm, put together another successful drive for Hallowe’en costumes and pumpkins for the children served by CLNkids. The firm delivered…

Modrall Sperling Attorneys Support Pro Bono Legal Clinic

On November 7, Modrall Sperling participated in the Second Judicial District Court’s Civil Legal Clinic. Six of the firm’s attorneys assisted more than 40 people in need of…

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Shareholders Meet Sperling Memorial Scholarship Recipient

Modrall Sperling Shareholders Stan Harris and Marjorie Rogers share  time with this year’s Sperling Scholarship recipient, Paul Roybal. The University of New Mexico School of Law hosted its annual Scholarship Luncheon, during which donors met the recipients whose educations they have supported….

Law School Honors Modrall Sperling Name Partner

  Members of Daniel Sisk’s family flank The Honorable James A. Parker (fourth from left), Dean Sergio Pareja, and Modrall Sperling Shareholders Marjorie Rogers and John Cooney. The University of New Mexico School of Law has renamed its largest lecture hall after…

Modrall Sperling Named a Top New Mexico Firm

The Ninth Edition of U.S. News Best Lawyers® named Modrall Sperling a top firm in 43 areas of law in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, and recognized the firm as a top firm in the area of Native American Law on a nationwide…

Roberta Cooper Ramo Speaks at the American Academy in Berlin

Modrall Sperling shareholder Roberta Cooper Ramo delivers the Lloyd Cutler Lecture at the American Academy in Berlin on November 6. The American Academy is committed to sustaining and…

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Recent Developments in New Mexico Natural Resource Law

December 21, 2018 9:00 a.m. State Bar Center, 5121 Masthead NE, Albuquerque Shareholder Maria O’Brien speaks on the topic, “Interstate Water: U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Texas v. New Mexico and Colorado” as part of the day-long CLE focusing on recent developments…