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Modrall Sperling COVID-19 Task Force Updated May 12, 2021

*This article is authored by Roberta Cooper Ramo with Alicia Ubeda Harvey, Jamie L. Allen and other Modrall Sperling attorneys.   Modrall Sperling strives to be a resource…

Covid 19 Nm Graphic

Three Modrall Sperling Shareholders Honored by Who’s Who Legal: Mining

Stuart Butzier, Lynn Slade and Walter Stern have been listed as Global Leaders by Who’s Who Legal: Mining, a publication which recognizes the top mining lawyers in the world. Practitioners featured in this prestigious publication are nominated by their peers in the…

Stuart Butzier Becomes Vice Chair of the Mining Law Committee of the International Bar Association

Effective this year, Modrall Sperling shareholder Stuart Butzier became Vice Chair of the Mining Law Committee of the International Bar Association (IBA).  His recent and ongoing activities on…

Stuart Butzier

Recent Biden Administration Orders Affecting the Energy Industry

In his first week in office, President Biden and administration officials have issued various Executive Orders, memoranda and other agency directives reversing previous Trump Administration policies and/or establishing new policies for federal agencies, which some have characterized as a fossil fuel freeze….

Meg L. Meister Elected Secretary of Economic Forum of Albuquerque

Modrall Sperling Shareholder Meg Meister has been elected Secretary of Economic Forum of Albuquerque. Economic Forum is comprised of thought leaders in the business, education, and non-profit community…


Modrall Sperling Announces New Shareholders

Modrall Sperling is pleased to have two attorneys join the rank of Shareholder in 2021: Chris Killion’s practice focuses on oil, gas and mineral development, including issuing drilling,…

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New Mexico’s Public Lands Commissioner Announces Intention to End Easements to State Lands for Pumping Fresh Groundwater

Public Lands Commissioner Stephanie Garcia Richard on December 15, 2020 informed companies holding easements granting access for pumping fresh water from state trust lands managed by the New Mexico State Land Office (SLO) that SLO will not be renewing their easements, nor…

New Mexico’s Conditional Certification of EPA’s Proposed Reissuance of the Multi Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity Raises Significant Concerns

Background In mid-2020, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed to reissue the Multi Sector General Permit (MSGP) for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity (Permit NMR050000) under the Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 402 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).  Section 401…

New Mexico Oil Conservation Commission Adopts Rule Changes Concerning Produced Water

On September 3, 2020, the New Mexico Oil Conservation Commission adopted rules changes concerning produced water. See OCC Order No. R-21343-A (Sept. 3, 2020). Under the Produced Water Act, signed into law in 2019, the Commission and the Oil Conservation Division of…

New Mexico Environment Department’s Surface Water Quality Bureau Begins Triennial Review Process

On November 2, 2020, the New Mexico Environment Department’s (“NMED”) Surface Water Quality Bureau (“SWQB”) issued its notice inviting public comment on NMED’s proposed amendments to the State’s standards for interstate and intrastate surface water quality, codified under 20.6.4 NMAC. NMED issued…